
"Retirement Villages and Aged Care At the Crossroads - The Next Five Years"


Dan Woods

Executive General Manager - Brand and Business Development, RDNS (Royal District Nursing Service Limited)

Dan has been amongst the RDNS leadership team that has pioneered the commercial development of care services in China plus the development of care partnerships with Aveo here in Australia.

Three years RDNS established in China a corporate entity and has been winning business with private universities and care operators with its 120+ care related training courses. Australian Mandarin speaking staff visit China plus host visitors here, with an emphasis on Train the Trainor programs via joint ventures with local governemtns and universities.

RDNS has been recognized by the Australian Governemnt for its joint venture with China’s Zhongshan College in Jiangsu Province, north of Shanghai which is developing and will operate 1,500 integrated care places and a 400 bed hospital, all with links to the college’s education faculty. RDNS and the college will develop, operate and manage the facility, including training, deployment and management of the care staff.

The partnership with Aveo, RDNS will provide in-home support and healthcare programs to residents in 22 of its villages around Australia.

Dan is responsible for the strategic direction and leadership to the RDNS Group's marketing and business development functions. He has been with RDNS for 16 years.

RDNS is one of the largest providers of home-based nursing and healthcare in AsiaPacific, with over 2,500 staff providing nursing and home support services to over 15,000 people every day.