
"Retirement Villages and Aged Care At the Crossroads - The Next Five Years"


Danielle Robertson


Danielle has worked in the family business for 28yrs and has been CEO since 2003.

DIAL-AN-ANGEL is Australia’s only national group specialising in Home, Aged, Child and Family care. A private family operator, it was established in 1967 and now has offices in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Central Coast, Melbourne, Newcastle, Perth and Sydney with over 1,000 ‘angels’.

Dial An Angel delivers live-in as well as visiting services, covering domestic housekeeping, child care, care by nannies, in-home nursing, aged care, garden and home maintenance and assistance with home and corporate functions. They also provide medico-legal reports and corporate services such as Employee Assistance Programs

In preparation for Consumer Directed Care, Danielle has announced a merger with Nexxt home care services, with 500 care staff. Daniele will be responsible for the growth of the combined businesses.

Danielle is called as an expert witness in the Supreme, District & Family Courts on the cost of care for people with gross disabilities. She is also President of the Australian Nanny Association (ANA).