
"Retirement Villages and Aged Care At the Crossroads - The Next Five Years"


John McNamara

Head of Retirement Living & Aged Care, Bendigo & Adelaide Bank

John has been a the forefront of the retirement village and aged care funding for the past 13 years, including the last four years leading Bendigo & Adelaide Bank’s lending activities, with more active loans in the sector than any other bank.

Bendigo has five dedicated to the retirement village and care sector.

This lending activity has given John unparalleled exposure to the financial dynamics of the village and care property development, especially what works and what can fail a development.

John has developed strong views of what is required to execute a successful project plus what style of management is required.

He has identified that innovation through services and appropriate capital maintenance are keys to attracting investment. Investors are typically yield driven here and therefore value adding services, such as in home nursing and meals, will be required to improve the running cash yield of the Deferred Management Fee book, which is required to attract capital and debt.

Given projects are three to five years in length he has been able to track forecasts with final outcomes – in marketing and sales results, project costings and consumer acceptance.